Harjot Mann | Mindset and Leadership Coaching

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Success is not something you pursue, it’s something you become.

Emotional fears often stop your progress, but it isn’t always the case.

You might think it's fear that makes you hesitate to start on dreams or holds you back, but in reality it's NOT always fear that's the problem. 

Things besides fear that can hold you back.

In addition to fear, it's usually one, more or ALL of these:

  • Money. 

  • Lack of support.

  • Lack of education or skills.

  • Passion with a high dose of self-doubt. (This one has emotional fear vibes to it, but the doubt is usually because of things like above.)

Am I right?

Would you believe it - we ALL go through the same damn fears and hesitations. So pretty much, everyone's in the same boat to begin with.

Yet, some people make it to their dreams regardless.

What's their secret?

It's not because they're any special or any more talented than you. 

It’s likely because, they behave differently.

They become the successful person before the tangible success is evident. They think and behave like a successful person.

They make a choice to take the most efficient steps based on their current circumstances, instead of waiting for better circumstances to emerge.

Notice here, I am not talking about taking all the required steps. Just the ones that are the most relevant, ones based on their currently reality. Almost all the time, they push against the grain just as much as they can and they repeat it until they get to where they want to be.

To me, that's something we can all do.

Things in our heads appear more complicated than they are in reality.

We have a habit of making things complicated in our head than they actually are. We tend to look at the complications before we really look at the reality of current opportunities that may be around us right now.

So with that, believe that there are more options available to you than you might think. All you have to do right now is put in a willingness to start with what you have right now. Take the opportunity that is there right now, and move over one step. Then, keep moving to the next step and then the next best step, and take newer opportunities that are met at every step.

This is how you build sustainable success without burning yourself out.

Nine out of ten times the opportunities are right in front of you.

Your job is to make some effort to see these golden opportunities. So whatever thing you have complicated in your head, can you put effort and willingness to look around and ask yourself questions like this one:

What is the most efficient thing I can be doing right now?

Then, go do that with commitment, intention, and consistency.

This is all you ever got to deal with. This is what small consistent steps look like. 

With your current reality, what's the one most efficient thing you can start doing right now?

I’d love to hear your answer in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

Harjot Mann, MD

Mindset & Leadership Coach