Harjot Mann | Mindset and Leadership Coaching

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The Best Mindset Work is Done Through Action.

Taking action is not just a good idea, it's the best way to train your mindset.


A ‘scary movie’ I recently watched had an amazing business and life lesson in it. 

How to handle objection, fear, or doubt in business or life:

If there's something you are afraid of, or fearful about; if there's something that holds a strong control or power over you, this is how you need to approach it:

Reduce its significance.

Make it so small that it is no longer a big deal. Because when something loses its power in your mind and in life, you can get rid of the fear and icky feelings around it.

Trying to gain online visibility can bring on unexpected fears and doubts that stop you from creating progress in business. 

For a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners today, becoming visible online is important. If like me, you are also an online entrepreneur, you know that having an online presence is a must. Often for the new online entrepreneurs, there are hesitations, fears, and doubts around gaining visibility and showing up more online through live-steams, and videos.

Having an online presence for your business is a non-negotiable.

As entrepreneurs in today’s world, you can’t afford to opt out of being online. For this, you would want to leverage social media to tell your story; your brand’s story. Social media is a great avenue for sharing your content, speaking your truth, and delivering value to your audience. It’s simply one of the best and fastest ways to help your ideal customers find you and learn more about you. However, the fear of judgement and rejection can be mentally and emotionally consuming, especially, when it comes to doing live streams, videos, instagram stories, or sometimes even putting your written content out there in the internet space.

What you need to keep in mind: 

You need to show up before you’re perfect or feeling ready. While it's important to tell your story, share your value with the world, it's not that important to do it perfectly - especially when you are first starting out. It's more important to actually do it vs. not, just because it's not perfect.

Pro tip: Things never get perfect. 

For example, make the need to look and speak perfectly on livestreams and videos insignificant and small. People are only interested in how what you say will be of value to them, no one pays attention to details that you often worry about.

So go create those insta-stories, hop on a live stream, become visible online and share your story with us would you!

For a self-paced; self-coaching resources on mastering your fears around success, click here: Master Your Fears.

Harjot Mann, MD

Mindset & Leadership Coach