What do things that piss you off, and the ones you feel passionate about have in common?

October 31.png

Both are a doorway to expanding your purpose. 

These are just two different forms of your passion.

Passion can feel good, but it can also rattle you at times.

When something feels right, good, and joyful to even think about, that’s your passion giving you a sneak peak into your purpose.

When something pisses you off, is irritating, and frustrating to experience or even think about, that’s also your passion giving you a real big peak into your purpose. 

Passion can have multifaceted expressions.

Often, when we think of passion, we associate grand feelings of fulfillment, joy, and contentment to it. But passion can show up as different kinds of emotions, including the ones that are far from feeling positive.

So today, I want to bring your attention to the not so positive feelings of passion and how you can use them to expand into your purpose, and create more success, impact and value for others out of it.

This expression of passion is a doorway to changing old narratives and solutions to new and more valuable ones.

Let me ask you a question: 

Is there something that pisses you off in your industry or workplace?

Think about when you see things not being done in a better way ( at work, in your industry, or any industry) and you find yourself wishing or even knowing of a much better way. Perhaps knowing this, and seeing things done in the current way feels like an itch you need to scratch? The ideas that come around these solutions not only have the potential of being more fulfilling to you, but  highly impactful and valuable to others. 

Things that are of high value to people, become of high importance to them.

Fundamentally, if something is highly valuable and impactful to people, they’re willing to pay for it.

Use this opportunity to take actions on creating such valuable and impactful solutions. Offer them to people or industries, solve their problems, observe their reactions and last but not least, put a price on it. This is a sure way to stay motivated yourself, but also to continue creating value for the world around you. 

Turning your strong feelings of frustration with the current ‘norm’ into profitable ideas.

Magical ( and profitable) l ideas can come out of the stuff that pisses you off more often than from things you feel “passionately” good about. For a change, try forgetting about the things you feel excited about and focus on the things that actually piss you off.

May be you can't find any good ideas or may be you are full of tons of ideas but not sure where to start.

Either way, you struggle to take action. Right? Because how can you really take action when you don't know what you are supposed to do.

Here's  a quick exercise to get your creative and idea juices flowing:

1. Reflect on something that isn't working in your industry or field. Even something you feel annoyed with, or pissed off about! 

2. Focus on what would really make a difference in this gap or lack?

3. Identify if this is something others also feel affected by and figure out how specifically.

4. Take all 3 of the above into account, and brain storm ways to come up with something to address it the best you can. 

5. Take action on it immediately! Take initiative to start doing things differently, and invite others to try it out as well.

This looks like actually creating a way out ( i.e. solution), talking about it, raising awareness around it, creating visibility around it, offering solutions to other for testing, measuring and analyzing it, observing others reactions to it, tweaking it to make it as valuable and beneficial as possible.

Here’s the catch:

There isn’t any, unless putting in effort counts as one for you. In that case, the catch is to make an effort and take initiative. No one will move the needle on things you feel passionate about, better than you!

Taking initiative on a current lack and its effect on others is key to creating powerful solutions.

Timing and gaps are huge factors of what ideas work. But actions and efforts lead us there. Out of all the ideas, act on the ones that are motivated by your willingness and others’ need or desire to have something changed. 

Now it’s your turn to have your say.

It’s time for you tell me what pisses you off in your industry or in any industry. Start the dialogue in comments below. 

Harjot Mann, MD

Mindset & Leadership Coach